The All Meghalaya Karate-Do Association was formed in the year 1981 with Sensei Stephan Leong as its founder. It faced much difficulty in its initial years in matters of infrastructure and organization. In the year 1986, a training place, or ‘Dojo’ was permanently made available in the premises of the Y.M.C.A, at Mawkhar. The A.M.K.A was officially registered in 1981, but it was only in the year 1988 that it was granted recognition by the All India Karate-Do Federation (AIKF), following the enduring efforts of members of the association under the leadership of Stephan Leong. In 1993, the A.M.K.A was recognized by the State Government and the State Sports Council of Meghalaya and in 1996 the Association was also granted recognition by the Meghalaya State Olympic Association (MSOA).

Since its inception in 1981 till date, the association has produced more than 200 National Medalists and among them 20 (twenty) International players who have at one point or another, represented the country.

The aim of the Association is promotion of Karate from grass root level by encouraging young boys and girls who have talents and interest in practicing Karate. The Association has started many training centers in the state in collaboration with school and college.